I want a pro bono lawyer

If your financial resources are limited, you may be eligible for a (partially) free lawyer.

The Legal Aid Office or BJB is ready to help you with your application.

Your right to assistance from a pro bono lawyer depends on your means of existence and if you have any extraordinary debts. You will have to prove your income, means of existence and expenses through documents. You provide these to the BJB so they can determine whether or not you are entitled to a (partially) free lawyer. Minors always and automatically have the right to free assistance of a lawyer.

You can apply for a pro bono lawyer in several ways.

  • Make an online or telephone appointment to speak to a BJB staff member

You can first make an appointment online or by phone to come see one of our BJB colleagues at one of our 3 locations to go through your application. We are available on weekdays by phone from 10am-12pm on 03 260 72 80.
Before coming to your appointment, make sure your application form is filled in correctly and bring it along with the other requested documents.
Our colleague will then check whether you meet the conditions, and will or will not assign you a pro bono lawyer. An appointment takes 15 minutes. If you do not speak Dutch, French, English or German sufficiently, you must bring your own interpreter. Your documents should also not be dated more than two months.

  • Applying by e-mail

You can also submit your application by e-mail bjb@balieantwerpen.be. You attach your completed application form and all requested documents. Our colleagues will then inform you by e-mail whether your request has been accepted or not.
At the bottom of this page we are happy to explain step by step how you can already check your eligibility and submit your application.

If you are qualified for full free legal assistance, you will not pay any fee to assigned lawyer. If you are qualified for partial free legal assistance, you will pay an amount between €25 en €125 per case. This will be calculated by the BJB according to legal scales. If the actions of your lawyer have put you in a better financial position, the lawyer can charge you an extra fee under certain conditions and only after approval.

Step-by-step plan on how to prepare your application:

Find out if you are eligible

Take a look at these documents and check which category you fall into


Based on your incomeBased on your situation

Complete the application form

Print out the form, fill in, sign and bring it with you to the appointment or send it by e-mail.  

Application form

Collect all requested documents

With each application you have to submit a number of documents


Check the list here

Make an appointment with an BJB colleague

Make your appointment online , or contact us every working day between 10am-12pm on 03 260 72 80. You can also e-mail all requested documents via bjb@balieantwerpen.be

The appointment takes 15 minutes. Together with a BJB employee you will check whether you qualify for a pro bono lawyer. Be sure to bring a translator if you do not speak fluent Dutch, Frech, English or German.