Bar of Antwerp, trust is our foundation
Balie Antwerpen represents nearly 3,000 lawyers from the province of Antwerp and guards the quality, integrity and image of the legal profession. We strive for a strong and efficient Bar Association that promotes and defends the interests of our lawyers, all citizens and the rule of law on a daily basis.
President of the Bar and Council
The president of the Bar, elected annually by the members, leads the Bar, defends the professional interests and represents the Bar before the magistracy, government and other Bars. The president mediates disputes, investigates complaints and, if necessary, refers lawyers to the Disciplinary Council.
The Bar Council, the governing body of the Bar, consists of 16 elected members and is chaired by the Chief of Staff. The council decides on the admission of lawyers and trainees, organizes the traineeships and the Legal Aid Office, and draws up regulations.
Our vision

Quality and integrity:
We ensure that our lawyers deliver quality and ethically correct work by assisting them with advice, training and a strict but pragmatic disciplinary policy.

Efficient service:
We are committed to accessible, digitized services.
We are always meticulously executing our legal duty to appoint pro bono lawyers and monitor their quality.

We defend the interests of our lawyers and weight on the policies of the government, the magistracy and the Bar Association of Flanders.

Management and Leadership:
We aim for a professional, sustainable policy with a simplified, well-organised structure.

We stand for a clear, proactive communication aiming for an increasing commitment and positive identification of our members with the Bar.